Something to make you laugh…

It’s Aloha Friday, no work till Monday.”

This song is playing in my head right now, as I start my weekend after another busy week at work. And in an effort to send all of you out there in cyber land into the weekend on a good, happy and funny note…I thought I’d post something that made me laugh.


I saw this picture and couldn’t help but go, “Awwww!!” One, because I have a pug named Pono (which means goodness or righteousness in Hawaiian) who I love beyond belief and think is the cutest thing in the world even though she acts like a grouchy pants half the time; probably from the fact that she’s almost 12 years old. Second, I like what the quote is saying. It’s not just saying that God has a sense of humour because he created a dog with a scrunched up face and nasal problems. I think what the quote is really trying to convey to people is the fact that God has a sense of humour about life; so we should to. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been accused of being “too serious” more than once or twice in my life…but I also know when to sit back and just laugh at myself or the situation around me. And we should all do that. So I leave you with this: regardless of what happened to you this week (good, bad or indifferent), take some time over this weekend to just sit back…and laugh. Who knows what a little laughter might do.

Until inspiration hits me once again…


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